Dodger the Cat: The Feline Adventurer from Charmouth, UK
In the quaint town of Charmouth, UK, a remarkable feline captured the hearts of locals and garnered international attention for an...
Dodger the Cat: The Feline Adventurer from Charmouth, UK
Saving just a few animals isn't good enough
It's Adopt a Shelter Dog Month!
Australia’s Cat Killing Machine
Devastating wildfires: keeping your companion animals safe
Millions of Lives at Stake: Rabies, Stray Dogs, and You!
Dog and Cat Meat Banned at Notorious Meat Market! But the Work Doesn’t Stop Here
Deadline Sep 8, 2023! Tell CDC: Don't Kill Dogs with Red Tape!
It's Make-a-Will Month. Do you have a plan for your animals' future?
How to Keep Outdoor Cats Cool in Summer
8 Facts You Might Not Know About Dogs
How to Report a Potential Animal Abuse Case