A Gift That Lasts
a Lifetime
An Open Letter
from Alex Pacheco, Founder
600 Million Stray Dogs Need You

Many people are delighted when they realize that one of the most profound acts of generosity a person can perform in their lifetime is to simply "write animals into their Will.”
In the big picture, it's simply a matter of including animals in your Will (your Last Will and Testament), as part of your estate plans.
This allows you to create a legacy at the same time.
Your legacy, to save entire future generations of dogs and cats.
A legacy that you can create. Here and now.
Please note this important disclosure:
I am not an attorney ... Because I am not an attorney, I cannot give legal advice. Please do not consider any of this as legal advice. To protect your wishes, you should have your attorney help you with your estate. We are happy to assist you and/or your attorney, by answering any questions you may have.
I have also taken the liberty of including below, a copy of a letter I wrote to my sister Mary, when she asked about including animals in her Will. I'm hoping it will be more useful and more personal than pages filled with legal jargon.
Dear Mary,
Thanks for asking for information on "How to help animals after I have passed away!"
It has been my honor to serve as the Executor in numerous Wills to help animals, from small Wills ... to multi-million-dollar Wills. In my experience, here are three important questions to answer early on, followed by a quick comment from me:
1. Who will take care of my animals?
Mary, because this is so important, if you or your friends need someone to take care of your animals, this is a responsibility that I and 600 have always offered to do for any animal person -- even in situations where 600 is not a beneficiary in the will. What's important is that your companion animals continue to be protected and well cared for until they, too, pass. Please know that we all take this very seriously, and your friends are welcome to learn more about my animal-protection history and background -- they can review my history and bio at 600MillionDogs.org/alex-pacheco
2. What is the easiest way to make a change to the Will that I already have?
A one or two-page Codicil -- I think of it as a simple mini will, and I've included an example below.
3. Who do I trust the most, to carry out my wishes?
Mary, in my opinion, whoever you trust the most (with your life!) is who you should name as the Executor of your Will.
Again, because this is so important, serving as Executor is something I've agreed to do numerous times, and I'm happy to do this for any animal person who needs help -- even in situations where I and 600 are not beneficiaries in the will. What's important is that you appoint someone you can rely on.
Because I am not an attorney, I must clearly state this Important Disclosure:
I am not a lawyer. Because I am not a lawyer, I cannot give legal advice. Please do not consider any of this, as legal advice. To protect your wishes, you should have your lawyer help you with your estate.
From one animal person to another, and based on years of experience, please understand that this letter only contains my personal opinions. My goal is to help you carry out your wishes: to continue helping animals even after you have passed.
Mary, in the remainder of this email, I am only going to address the question asked most often:
What is the easiest way to make a change to the Will that I already have?
The answer: a "Codicil" is the easiest way. It can be as short as one or two pages.
Below is an example of a Codicil, for you to change as you wish.
Of course I hope you will continue to support our Mission and work, here at 600MillionDogs.org, and with that in mind, I have taken the liberty of placing 600's formal name and Tax I.D. number in the example below, for you to change as you wish.
In the example below, there are 3 main general categories of things to consider giving:
1) A specific dollar amount, and/or ...
2) A specific percentage of your estate, and/or ...
3) Specific possessions such as stocks, real estate, jewelry, coins, vehicles and so on.
It goes without saying: please delete any of these, as you wish.
* * * * Start of Codicil * * * *
I, (full name______________), change my previous Will, as follows:
1) I give _______% of my total estate
to: 600 Million Stray Dogs Need You,
Tax I.D. # 33-0601340, to carry out their work protecting animals.
2) I give the specific dollar amount of $_________
to: 600 Million Stray Dogs Need You,
Tax I.D. # 33-0601340, to carry out their work protecting animals.
3) I give the following possessions to 600 Million Stray Dogs Need You:
a) My shares of stock, bonds and mutual funds;
b) The following real estate: __________________;
(list any properties with their full mailing address)
c) The following items: _____________________.
(describe any jewelry, coins, artwork, vehicles, life insurance policies, and so on)
4) If my primary beneficiary or any of my heirs do not survive me, then their respective inheritance shall go to: 600 Million Stray Dogs Need You, Tax I.D. # 33-0601340.
5) This Codicil shall supersede any conflicting aspects of my previous Will. In all other respects, I ratify and confirm the provisions of my previous Will.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I sign, publish and declare this instrument to be a Codicil to my previous Will, in the presence of the persons witnessing said Codicil, at my request, on this date: Month:_________ Day:______ Year:_____
My Signature: ____________
My Printed name: _________
My Street address: ____________
City:_______State:____Zip code:_____
My date of birth is Month:__________ Day:_______ Year: ______
* * * * * * * * *
Witness #1 Signature: _____________
Witness #1 Printed name: ___________
Witness #1 Street address: ___________
City:_________State:___Zip code:_____
My date of birth is Month:__________ Day:_______ Year: ______
* * * * * * * * *
Witness #2 Signature: _____________
Witness #2 Printed name: ___________
Witness #2 Street address: ___________
City:________State:____Zip code:____
My date of birth is Month:__________ Day:_______ Year:_______
* * * * * * * * * *
COUNTY OF _____________
The foregoing instrument was
acknowledged before me this
_____day of ____________, 20___,
by (your full name:)______________
personally known _______________ or
produced identification ___________.
Type of Identification Produced:_________
Signature of Notary Public:_____________
Printed Name of Notary: ______________
or Stamped.
* * End of Codicil example * *
Mary, before I sign off, here's a short checklist of important tips:
To make sure that my wishes will be followed, and for all important documents such as a Codicil:
I take the extra step of having all of these documents:
signed and dated by two witnesses, and
notarized by a notary,
all at the same sitting, when I also sign.
I do this to make sure the Witness information (which is very important!) meets or surpasses the requirements of most states, if not all states, even though two witnesses may not be required in my state.
I also consult a lawyer, because different states can have different requirements.
I send a copy to my lawyer and to 600, to help ensure my wishes are carried out.
Please remember this important disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, and to protect your wishes, you should have your lawyer help you with your Will. Because I am not a lawyer, I cannot give legal advice, and please do not consider any of this as legal advice.
Click below to download this sample codicil as a PDF.
Last but not least, a short checklist of important tips:
___ I have all important documents signed by two witnesses and notarized by a notary all at the same sitting when I also sign! (Even if this is not be required in my state.)
___ I consult a lawyer. Different states have different requirements.
___ I always send a copy of my Will and my Codicil to my attorney and to 600 to ensure my wishes are carried out.

Please remember this important disclaimer: I am not an attorney, and to protect your wishes, you should have your attorney help you with your Will. Because I am not an attorney, I cannot give legal advice, and please do not consider any of this as legal advice.
Of course 600 and I are happy to work with you and your attorney to help you create your personal legacy to help animals for generations to come.
Thank you for caring.
Alex Pacheco
600 Million Stray Dogs Need You, Founder
Animal Rights Hall of Fame, Inductee
Adopt A Pet, Co-Founder
PETA, Co-Founder, Chairman (1980-2000)
Sea Shepherd, Crew Member of the Year
Peace Abbey, Courage of Conscience Award

To designate 600 Million Dogs as a beneficiary of your estate, retirement plan or other holdings, please use this official information:
Our full legal name: 600 Million Stray Dogs Need You
We are also known as 600 Million Dogs and 600MillionDogs.org
Our official address: P.O. Box 1065,
Pompano Beach, Florida, 33061, USA
Our IRS Tax IdentifIcation Number is: 33-0601340
We are an IRS registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization
All contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law.
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