Killed with scissors: man brutally murders 76 cats
My Dog Is On The Pill
The views expressed here are those of the authors. They are not necessarily the words or opinions of 600 Million Dogs nor
Alex Pacheco unless expressly stated as such.
He bought 20 arrows to shoot a stray dog
Does this exist? Birth control "pill" for dogs or cats?
Scientists confirm animals have feelings (duh!)
Dogs being shot: please share this news article to save strays!
75% of kittens won't survive ...
Thank you for saving animals, they need you now!
An activist who's been arrested 60 times is now up to ...
Warning: deadly disease spreads in warm weather...
Left in cages for months at a time...
Only 2 of her puppies survived...
7 days, 7 ways to save animals!
Poison: cheap, fast, cruel
"Ejiao" is destroying donkeys ...
Trapped in a cave with a black bear!?
Action Alert: New octopus facility would kill 1 MILLION each year.
50% MATCH for animals April 8-12!
Beast could've been lost for life...
Abandoned Dogs: Victims, not Villains
Buildings kill 1 billion birds per year...