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Your voice needed to ban octopus farming!

Updated: Aug 2

octopus, octopus kill, octopus farming
Help stop the slaughter of octopuses!

We need your help so that Washington State can become the first state in the country to outlaw the inhumane practice of octopus farming. 


A bill that would ban it in the state is now on the governor’s desk, and he will either sign it or kill it, and we need your help to let the governor he needs to sign the bill! [1] 

Please help by sending a message to Governor Inslee before March 18! 


1) You can call the office at 360-902-4111


2) You can send a message (a sample is below) using the government website:


3) If you are unable to access the form or prefer to send an email, contact Lieutenant Governor Denny Heck at


Sample message:


Dear Governor Inslee,


I am writing to express my strong support in favor of HB1153, the bill to ban octopus farming within the state of Washington. 


Given the growing body of scientific research that highlights the complex intelligence, emotional capacity, and social behavior of octopuses, it is clear that such practices raise profound ethical and environmental concerns.


I strongly urge you to sign this bill into law, reflecting Washington's commitment to environmental stewardship and ethical responsibility.



[Your Name]


Thank you for helping us help prevent the suffering of these animals.

Below is additional information about octopuses that everyone should know!

octopus, octopus kill, octopus farming

Additional information:


Octopuses are highly intelligent, sentient beings with complex behaviors and incredible abilities! 


Due to their intelligence and need for environmental complexity, it is impossible to create conditions in captivity that meet their welfare needs. Octopuses are solitary, territorial animals, and being trapped in close quarters can lead to stress, aggression, and self-harm. Octopuses are even prone to cannibalism if kept in close quarters. [2]


Octopuses are carnivorous, requiring diets of fish and shellfish, which must be sourced from the ocean. Farming octopuses at a large scale would increase the demand for these food sources, harming more animals and seriously harming marine ecosystems. [3]

“Octopuses have a food conversion rate of at least 3:1, meaning that the weight of feed necessary to sustain them is about three times the weight of the animal,” according to Forbes. [2]

Numerous books and documentaries, such as My Octopus Teacher, document the incredible abilities of octopuses. Here are a few of their amazing skills!

1) Octopuses are impressive problem-solvers. They can complete tasks such as opening jars to get food, which proves they can understand complex tasks that require several steps. So far, they are the only marine animal known to have the strength and perception to be able to do this. [4]

2) Octopuses use tools! Tool use is considered to be a valuable and impressive skill in the animal kingdom. [5] A 2009 paper described how octopuses off the coast of Indonesia used coconuts to create shelters! [6] This puts octopuses in the same tool-using group as other intelligent animals, such as chimpanzees, elephants, and humans.

3) The 8 arms of an octopus have minds of their own. Octopuses are cephalopods, which means they have multiple neuron clusters throughout their bodies instead of the highly centralized nervous systems that animals like humans have. This means that octopus arms can make decisions separate from the brain of the octopus. To put it more simply: octopuses have 9 brains! [7]

4) Octopuses are true masters of camouflage. Octopuses can match the color and texture of their environment to an incredible degree! [8]


5) Octopuses have been observed decorating their dens! “...they travel around the seabed finding shiny stones and rocks to put out in front of their dwelling, like a garden," said Ben Williamson. [9]

These examples demonstrate the advanced cognitive abilities of octopuses, placing them among the most intelligent invertebrates known.


But no animal should have to prove themselves in order to have their most basic interests taken into consideration! 




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