Your life-saving gift will be matched up to $35,000!
30 new rescued Pilot Pups and 5 new scientists!
Dear Friend of 600,
Here's wishing you a great holiday, and I'd like to quickly introduce 30 of our newest rescued Pilot Pups: Bruni, Lucky, Chase and 27 more below!
Thanks to you, we have also recently recruited a record-breaking 5 more scientists who have joined us in our life-saving mission:
To end the global overpopulation and the suffering it causes
by developing the One-Dose Spay and Neuter Cookie!
But first, allow me to introduce Chase, one of our Pilot Pups.
She was rescued from a group of teenagers who were throwing rocks at her. 600 team member Rahul rescued her and reported:
"Poor Chase, she was trying desperately to escape from being hit by rocks -- it was a terrible thing to see -- and it was my honor to stop the abuse and save her -- it was an experience I will never forget."
Chase will never suffer on the cruel streets again -- and more importantly, with your help, we will prevent the suffering of millions more!
In about 3 months, we expect to have a very significant amount of new scientific data from our current studies -- data from different versions of the one-dose Cookie that we're working hard to develop -- thanks to you! One of our new scientists, Dr. Cabriles, has witnessed the devastating problems of overpopulation. Dr. Cabriles writes:
"Sadly, in my more than 23 years as a practicing veterinarian, spay and neuter surgery campaigns have only put a slight dent in the global overpopulation of cats and dogs."
The good news … Dr. Cabriles knows a solution is in sight:
"The development of the One-Dose Spay and Neuter Cookie provides an exciting and highly feasible solution to dog and cat overpopulation, throughout the world.
It addresses the plight of billions of homeless dogs and cats.
It is also being designed to prevent the deaths of thousands of children who die from canine rabies -- after being infected by stray dogs who are suffering from rabies."
The One-Dose Spay and Neuter Cookie is desperately needed because …
The horrific Cycle of Suffering continues worldwide
with over one billion homeless puppies
still being born every year.
Many innocent dogs continue to be poisoned to death. Others are beaten to death. Others are crushed to death in garbage compactors. Others are fed broken glass -- mixed in food, to die a painful death.
This is why we need your help.
This is why the One-Dose Spay and Neuter Cookie is desperately needed.
Billion-dollar drug companies, shamefully, have turned their backs on these animals.
The drug companies should be doing this work, but instead, they are doing nothing.
This is why it is up to us.
There is too much at stake.
Yes, we are a small grassroots charity -- but if not us, then who?
The good news: your vital support is bringing us closer and closer to a permanent solution, to prevent the suffering of over a billion animal lives.
Because your support is so crucial, our dedicated volunteer Catherine Hill has pledged to MATCH your donation up to $35,000!
Yes, you can make your dollars count and count twice!
Dr. Christi, another one of our new scientists, writes:
"As a veterinarian and animal health expert, I urge you to support this work and become the helping hand, to alleviate this devastating cause of animal suffering.”
Last but not least … introducing more of our recently rescued 30 Pilot Pups!
Autumn, Ali, Ada, Avery, Axil, Blaze, Bo, Lola, Oreo, Sophie, Violet, Bella, Boomer, Mrs. Cookie, Max, Juno, Chloe, Crystal, Ollie, Daisy, Maple, Gracie, Stacy, Bailey, Lucy, Trixie, and Rose -- all pictured below!
On behalf of our animal friends, I can never thank you enough for your help. Please know that your help is very much needed, and deeply appreciated ... ... and for the sake of the animals, please stay safe!
Most Sincerely,

P.S. Help animals more by having your donation doubled!
Yes, double your impact!
Your gift will be MATCHED up to $35,000.
A very special thank you to Catherine Hill for making this matching challenge possible!
Please call me or email me with any questions, and again, I can never thank you enough!