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End the year on a high note!

happy new year dog gift matched

rescued white stray dog

Dear Friend of 600,

When a 600 team member rescued Sophie, she was in a bad state.

“She was hiding in a hole that she had dug herself. She was in a miserable condition … absolutely terrified of everything.”

We brought Sophie to the clinic where she was treated, and she is now living her life safely and happily.

There’s nothing like the joy in the face of a four-legged friend rescued from the street – except the joy of ending the overpopulation crisis!

Please join us in our work to develop the One-Dose Spay and Neuter Cookie, which when completed will spay or neuter -- without surgery! This will allow society to permanently end the overpopulation and end the suffering it causes!

With that in mind, you still have the chance to double your gift to help save stray dogs and cats!

Good news: your year-end gift will be MATCHED up to $35,000!

More good news: this year, we are thrilled to have hired a record-breaking 5 more scientists!

Even better, our largest study ever is under way with over 30 new rescued Pilot Pups!

In about 3 months, we should have new data in the form of results from the current group of 30 Pilot Pups.

What's a Pilot Pup?

Pilot Pups are stray animals who we have rescued from the streets. We've nicknamed them Pilot Pups because we include them in our pilot studies to develop the One-Dose Spay and Neuter Cookie.

Each Pilot Pup eats a single trial Cookie. The trial Cookie is formulated to have a safe, low dose of the birth control ingredients we’re studying.

A month later, each Pup has a normal spay/neuter surgery so that pathologists can examine the treated ovaries/testes that are removed during the surgery. By studying these treated ovaries/testes, we can determine the effectiveness of each trial Cookie. The more follicles that are impaired (the higher the count) the better, and the closer the Pilot Pup is to being infertile. Last but not least, our Pups live in loving homes, not laboratories.

Each Pilot Pup is adopted into a forever home.

YOU bring us closer to our world-changing goal: To develop the One-Dose Spay and Neuter Cookie! Safe, permanent birth control for dogs and cats.

The One-Dose Spay and Neuter Cookie is desperately needed to stop the suffering of so many animals. As you know, around the world, about 600 million homeless dogs suffer on the streets on any given day.

Making things worse, in many countries, dogs are killed in horrific ways.

For example, inhumane poison is the #1 method used to kill stray dogs and cats around the world.

Others are fed food that has been laced with broken glass. They then die a slow and agonizing death.

Why are they being killed?

Because of overpopulation.

The good news: your vital support is bringing us closer and closer to a permanent solution to prevent the suffering of over a billion animal lives.

Please don’t miss the final opportunity of the year to have your impact DOUBLED!

Wishing you and your loved ones a happy 2023!

Most Sincerely,

P.S. Help animals more by having your donation doubled! Yes, double your impact! Your gift will be MATCHED up to $35,000.

A very special thank you to Catherine Hill for making this matching challenge possible! Please call me at 954 464 9331 or email me with any questions, and again, I can never thank you enough!

gift doubled to help stray dogs

Candid Gold Transparency 2022 600 Million Dogs

600 Million Stray Dogs Need You

A nonprofit tax-exempt 501(c)3 corporation.

IRS Tax Identification Number 33-0601340

P.O. Box 1065, Pompano Beach, FL 33061 USA

Phone (954) 464-9331

Copyright © 2022 600 Million Stray Dogs Need You, All rights reserved.

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