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Act Now: Suffering monkeys in laboratories need you!

Updated: Aug 1

Plans are underway for the largest monkey-breeding facility in the U.S. to be built in Bainbridge, Georgia. [1] There, thousands of innocent monkeys would be bred each year, then sent to laboratories to suffer and die in painful experiments.

Please tell the Bainbridge government to reject this cruel mega-breeding facility!

According to Unchained TV, “If built, this facility would become the biggest monkey prison in the United States, capable of holding 30,000 primates destined for torture in labs. Monkeys would be shipped by the thousands in and out of this facility and across the United States”. [1]

“The nearly $400 million being spent on this facility could instead be used on human-relevant research methods to cure diseases in humans,” said Elizabeth Novogratz of Species Unite. [2] 

The company behind this devastating plan, Safer Human Medicine, is run by former executives of other animal testing companies that have a history of animal abuse — Envigo and Charles River Laboratories. [3]

The good news: local residents sued the City of Bainbridge, Decatur County, and other governing bodies in an effort to prevent the plan from moving forward. The amount of public backlash forced the city to take back some aspects of the deal, including proposed tax breaks.

However, the plan for the facility to be built is still underway. [4]

We must act now. Please join us in urging the Bainbridge City Council to reject this facility and support humane, ethical research methods instead.

Thank you for taking action to save animals!


Our mission is to end the number 1 cause of suffering and death for dogs and cats -- overpopulation -- by developing a permanent-lasting birth control cookie that will only need to be eaten one time, and it will in effect spay or neuter -- without surgery.

For just $5 a month, you can join our mission to protect homeless animals from needless suffering. Every dollar brings us closer to a world where every stray animal knows safety and love. 




If you are unable to access the petition or prefer to send your own message, feel free to copy/paste the message below and email it to the Bainbridge City Mayor and Council Members at,,,,,,

Dear Mayor Reynolds and City Council Members,

We, the undersigned, urgently call on you to stop the plans for the monkey breeding facility by Safer Human Medicine. This facility would cause extreme suffering to intelligent, sensitive animals. The community of Bainbridge should stand for kindness and humane treatment. 

Keeping monkeys in small cages, separating babies from their mothers, and sending animals to be abused and killed in laboratories is cruel. The company's leaders have a history of animal welfare violations, with past facilities cited for horrifying neglect and cruelty.

Also, a facility containing thousands of monkeys creates environmental and health risks, including waste management problems and potential disease outbreaks. Modern science offers many humane and effective alternatives to animal testing, and we should invest in these methods instead. Many residents and animal protection advocates are strongly opposed to this facility. We ask you to listen to our concerns and reject this project.

Please, for the sake of the innocent animals and the values of your community, cancel these plans and support better, cruelty-free alternatives. 


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