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17 Animal Protectors Murdered. ~600 Million Stray Dogs Need You -Alex Pacheco

Updated: Jul 29, 2021

Last week, Last Chance for Animals sent out the following message; we felt it necessary to spread their word, and make this story known.

Our hearts go out to all of the families affected by this atrocity.

LCA Virunga rangers murdered Alex Pacheco 600 Million Dogs

Last Chance for Animals (LCA), supporter of Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, condemns the senseless violence that claimed the lives of 17 people; Virunga staff of 12 Rangers, their driver and four civilians near Virunga National Park Headquarters on April 24, 2020.  Three Rangers survived.

Virunga Rangers and their driver encountered a civilian vehicle (unrelated to the Park) that had been attacked.  All individuals came under a violent and sustained ambush by the FDLR militia group, numbering 60 fighters. 

Virunga Park's AirWing used LCA donated planes to medivac the injured and transport the fallen rangers and driver back home to their families.  LCA has been a major supporter of the AirWing since 2016.


Inaugurated in 1925, the Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, has had 220 Rangers killed in the last 15 years defending and protecting more than 3,000 square miles of unparalleled biodiversity, including forests, mountains and savanna as well as hundreds of animal species.

Rebel militia groups are part of the billion dollar industries that destroy habitat and poach wild animals for financial gain.  The Rangers protect the wildlife, including the endangered mountain gorillas, the natural resources of the Park, the local communities, and aspire towards a climate of stability, justice, and peace.  The Rangers are stewards of the Park, proudly dedicating their lives towards its preservation.


For the animals,


We at 600 Million Dogs urge you to contact Prime Minister Ilunga and President Felix Tshisekedi of The Democratic Republic of the Congo to tell them that these murderers must be brought to justice!

You can contact the Prime Minister via email here:

And you can send a private message or post a public comment to President Felix Tshisekedi's Facebook page here

A sample of what you could say is:

"Dear [President Tshisekedi or Prime Minister Ilunga], please locate and prosecute the criminals who murdered 12 park rangers, their driver, and 4 civilians at the Virunga National Park on April 24, 2020.

The park staff members were brutally killed while protecting the land and the magnificent mountain gorillas, elephants, hippos, pelicans, and many other animals who live there.

Preserving the environment should not be a dangerous job, and the murderers should be brought to justice.

Thank you for your attention to this atrocity."

Again, we at 600 Million Dogs felt it necessary to forward this message. Please visit LCA's website for more information. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Allison Williams


600 Million Stray Dogs Need You

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