Welcome to
My Dog Is On The Pill
600 Million Stray Dogs Need You
We invite you to join us in this daring project to end
the Number One Cause of Suffering for dogs and cats
worldwide - by developing Spay and Neuter Cookies.
A bold project capable of ending the global pet
overpopulation crisis.
A project designed to prevent the suffering of over one billion
homeless dogs and cats worldwide.
A project to prevent the deaths of over 30,000 children
each year who die from rabies.
Specifically, a project to develop Spay and Neuter Cookies
which, once completed, will be capable of spaying and
neutering - without surgery.
We are on track to being able to use food instead of surgery.
We are using cutting-edge science to develop safe,
permanent birth control cookies for dogs and cats.
We are a grassroots non-profit tackling a global problem.
We are doing the work that billion-dollar for-profit drug
companies should be doing.
But they're not.
There are too many lives at stake and we will not wait -
which is why we're doing the work ourselves.
Please join us and learn more!
Thank you for caring.

Alex Pacheco
600 Million Stray Dogs Need You
Animal Rights Hall of Fame
Adopt A Pet
PETA Co-Founder
Chairman (1980-2000)
Sea Shepherd
Crew Member of the Year
Peace Abbey
Courage of Conscience Award

Out of 1.8 million nonprofits, 600 has been awarded the prestigious Gold seal of Transparency by Guidestar, now known as Candid, "the nation's premier nonprofit database."