Good news! Washington state banned octopus farming! Many thanks to all of you who took action and contacted the governor. But there's more work to be done! Please help prevent these incredible animals from becoming yet another species abused and killed for profit!
The world’s first industrial octopus farm is in the works – with the sickening goal of raising and slaughtering 1 million octopuses every year. [1]
International seafood company Nueva Pescanova was set to open the farm in the Canary Islands in 2023. According to NPR, the plan is currently being held up. [2]
"These permissions are all being held up at the moment by an environmental impact assessment decision, which could come at any time," said Ben Williamson, U.S. director of Compassion in World Farming. [2]
No date has been set for the beginning of the plant’s operations.
Please sign this petition to the Spanish government, urging them to stop the launch of this horrifying octopus abuse operation!

Currently, octopuses are hunted and killed in the ocean.
Nueva Pescanova plans to raise the octopuses in 1,000 communal tanks. Octopuses, who are used to living solo in the vast open ocean, would suffer immensely in barren tanks without anything to stimulate their incredible intelligence. [1]
The octopuses will be killed by being submerged in icy water, leading to slow and painful deaths. [1]
To make matters worse: “Not only would farming them be cruel and unnecessary, it would also be unsustainable and damaging to our oceans. They would need to be fed wild-caught fish in captivity – a practice that would contribute to overfishing and food insecurities in already vulnerable communities around the world,” according to Elena Lara with Compassion in World Farming. [1]
Help us take a stand for octopuses and demand that the octopus killing plant is never opened!
Thanks for caring about animals!
P.S.: We’re working for a world where no being is born just to suffer. Our mission is to end the number 1 cause of suffering and death for dogs and cats -- overpopulation -- by developing a permanent-lasting birth control cookie that will only need to be eaten one time, and it will in effect spay or neuter -- without surgery.

If you are unable to access the petition or wish to send the emails yourself, here is the message that will be sent to the following officials, in both English and Spanish:
informacionaesan@aesan.gob.es, rafael.escudero@uc3m.es, Bernhard.Url@efsa.europa.eu, presidencia@gobiernodecanarias.org
These email addresses belong to:
Spanish Agency for Food Safety: informacionaesan@aesan.gob.es
Food Safety Agency President: rafael.escudero@uc3m.es
European Food Safety Authority – Dr. Bernhard Url, Executive Director
Canary Islands President: Mr. Fernando Clavijo Batlle
Petition text:
Dear Spanish government officials,
As a deeply concerned individual who stands in solidarity with scientists, environmentalists, and fellow citizens who share my heartbreak, I vehemently oppose Nueva Pescanova's plan to construct the world's first industrial octopus farm. I am profoundly concerned for the ethical treatment of these intelligent and emotionally complex beings, as well as for the sustainability of our planet's precious resources.
Octopuses are sentient creatures capable of experiencing joy, curiosity, and pain. The idea of confining such magnificent beings to the bleak and unnatural conditions of an industrial farm is a grave injustice to their rights and dignity.
Additionally, the sustainability of sourcing marine resources to feed farmed octopuses is damaging, leading to further depletion of our already strained oceanic resources.
With a heavy heart and a fervent hope for a shift in perspective, I urge the Spanish government to stop this octopus slaughter facility from opening.
Estimados funcionarios del gobierno español,
Como persona profundamente preocupada que se solidariza con los científicos, ambientalistas y conciudadanos que comparten mi dolor, me opongo vehementemente al plan de Nueva Pescanova de construir la primera granja industrial de pulpo del mundo. Estoy profundamente preocupado por el trato ético de estos seres inteligentes y emocionalmente complejos, así como por la sostenibilidad de los preciosos recursos de nuestro planeta.
Los pulpos son seres sensibles, capaces de experimentar alegría, curiosidad y dolor. La idea de encerrar a seres tan magníficos a las condiciones sombrías y antinaturales de una granja industrial es una grave injusticia para sus derechos y dignidad.
Además, la sostenibilidad de la obtención de recursos marinos para alimentar a los pulpos de cría es perjudicial y contribuye al agotamiento de nuestros ya escasos recursos oceánicos.
Con gran pesar en el corazón y con la esperanza ferviente de un cambio de actitud, hago un llamado al gobierno español para que detenga la apertura de esta granja industrial de pulpos.